The first part of this triptych was conceived between 2003 and 2007. Following the discovery of the unique universe of the singer Lhasa de Sela, and after collaborating with her on an album and on stage, Ibrahim becomes aware that the sound of his trumpet can quite evolve in an environment that resembles him more than simply Classical music, jazz or Arabic music alone. Little by little, over the years, a sound has been built, which he refines little by little in the studio between Montreal, New York, Beirut and Paris. At the time, it was the musician and producer Vincent Ségal who had introduced Ibrahim to Lhasa, and Vincent is logically featured on the last piece and bonus of this album. Ibrahim had exhibited here for the first time his compositions and his universe. Immediately hailed by the critics, this album is snowball-effect and the concerts are chained, this will be the first tour of the group of Ibrahim.